Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer Provides the Most Advanced Pediatric Heart Care in India


Heart surgery in children are indicated to restore heart defects a baby is born with CHD (congenital coronary heart defects) and heart illnesses a child gets after birth. The surgery is needed for the child's wellbeing. There are many kinds of heart defects ranging from minor to serious. Defects can occur inside the heart or in the large blood vessels outside the heart. Some heart defects may need surgery right after the baby is born and for few defects the surgery can wait.  Certain heart defects may not need repair as they can heal as the baby grows.

Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer leading pediatric heart surgeon in India


 He performs hundreds of congenital cardiac surgical procedures every year, starting from the correction of highly minor heart defects to exceedingly complex maintenance regarding multiple cardiac defects or conditions. His experience allows him to push the boundaries of possibility to achieve impressive outcome. This includes using hybrid and robotic techniques that help revolutionize his capabilities and how he provides care. Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer best child heart specialist in India treats nearly 450 total cases each year and has achieved rankings that meet or exceed some of the most successful programs in the country. He has earned international renown for his expertise in treating even the most complex congenital heart defects. Combined with the resources of the Fortis Escorts Hospital Delhi, he is able to provide excellent care from diagnosis through treatment.

Why choose Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer best pediatric cardiologist in Delhi

  • Expertise: His use of advanced surgical procedures, including the most up-to-date cardiopulmonary bypass techniques. His approach to care results in shorter lengths of stay for patients following surgery. One-third of his surgical procedures for congenital coronary heart defects are executed on children beneath 3 months, leading to a restore that grows with the kid, faster recovery and less stress on the family.
  • Subspecialty care: it takes a team to take care of a child. He additionally gives care in more than 40 subspecialties your child can also need before, during and after heart surgery. You can be assured that no matter what service, study or specialized care your child needs, he is an expert who is right here to offer the best, most comprehensive care possible.
  • Advanced technology and research: He is incorporated the most sophisticated technology available into his procedure rooms. When children need open heart surgery, he often needs to place them on a cardiopulmonary bypass machine. 

Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer expert in treating pediatric cardiac diseases in India

When you first find out that your child has a heart condition that requires heart surgical treatment, it's completely scary and overwhelming time. Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer best child heart specialist in Delhi understands that you will have concerns and worries. You want to have compassionate, expert professionals caring for your child. He is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your child. He meets your child’s unique needs and the needs of your family. He provides expert care to children of all ages; from as early as when they’re in their mother’s womb to young adult. He has the specific training to treat pediatric heart conditions. He provides a comprehensive plan of care to meet all your child’s needs.

India cardiac surgery service ensures carefree and at ease treatment journey to India

You focus to your recovery and relaxation is managed with the aid of India cardiac surgical procedure service
  • Complete ownership of the patient
  • Complete end to end expert management of the complete treatment
  • Quality managed first-class remedy for every affected person
  • Low cost, committed and lower than market cost assured
  • Ethical treatment practices ensured
  • Misdiagnosis and needless duplication of services prevented
  • clinical mistakes and avoidable surgeries avoided
  • Efficient and effective management of the entire process
  • Positive treatment final results, best feasible for each case is assured


Dr. K S Iyer is India's front ranking pediatric cardiac surgeon. Renowned for his clinical expertise and wide ranging involvement with cardiac care for children in India and other developing countries. To get free consultation, please send your report or call us at :

Email & Appointment

Email - drksiyer@indiacardiacsurgerysite.com

Call or Whats app - +91-9370586696

Visit Website : https://www.indiacardiacsurgerysite.com/fortis-escorts/doctors/consult-dr-krishna-subramony-iyer-best-paediatric-infant-cardiac-surgeon-ks-Iyer-in-delhi-india.html

Tags : Dr. Krishna Subramony Iyer Delhi, K S Iyer Fortis Escorts Hospital Delhi, Infant Heart Surgeon Escorts, Dr Krishna Iyer, Best Pediatric Cardiologist in Delhi, best pediatric cardiac surgeon in Delhi, Best Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon India, best child heart specialist in India, Best paediatric cardiac surgeon in India, Best Surgeon Congenital Heart Disease In India, Top Paediatric Heart Surgeon At Fortis Escorts Delhi, Reputed Cardiologist For Infant Heart Disease In India, Dr. Krishna S Iyer Best Child Heart Specialist In Delhi India, Top 10 Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon In India, Dr. Iyer Specialized Paediatric Complex Surgery In India, Expert In Neonatal & Infant Cardiac Surgeries In India, Best Cardiac Surgeon For Neonatal Surgery In Delhi, Top Paediatric Heart Surgeon In Delhi, Best Child Heart Specialist In India, Top Single Ventricle Defect Surgery In India, Appointment With Dr. Krishna S Iyer, Appointment For Paediatric Heart Surgery At Fortis Escorts Delhi, Cost Of Child Heart Surgery At Fortis Escorts, Dr. K S Iyer Contact Number, Email Dr. K S Iyer Best Child Specialist Delhi India


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